Aug 2, 2012

"I'd rather be pissed off then pissed on."

Whenever I get on facebook, I notice someone updated their status, and it says:
"you know your in love when hes the only person you really wanna talk to."
"Anyone wanna buy fresh eggs my mom has to get rid of them she has to many :P"
"I wish I could sleep more but my lil kiddo has to lay on my blatter lol" Bleh... that one makes me shudder.

I really just want to comment and be like:
"*you're. *he's."
"You need a period after both 'eggs' and 'them.' *too."
"Comma after more. Lie, not lay. Bladder has d's, not t's."
And I'll just leave "lil" alone... Mostly because I think li'l looks dumb, and I don't accept that's it's even a word. Just say little.

Does anyone else have this problem? Maybe it's just me... I probably need to get rid of some of my facebook friends. Especially the one who made the errors at the top of the list there. Please. I seriously doubt that's how you "know you're in love."

Then later, I go through some of my old blog posts. You know, just to reminisce about life. As I read, I find that I, myself, have accidentally typed in:

-knew instead of new.
-their instead of they're.
-half instead of have.
-and some other horrible horrible homonym-exchanges, which makes me roll my eyes at myself.

When that happens, I usually feel really ashamed that I would make such an error. I know better. I actually do know the difference between their they're and there, fewer and less, then and than, etc. Just knowing that all my family and many of my friends have seen my failure is an embarrassment, and I really hope that everyone knows that I'm smarter than that, that it was just a typo.

And that usually leads me to wonder if my facebook friends have the same thoughts. Maybe I shouldn't be so quick to judge and hate on them for their typos, since I've done the same stupid things. Don't we all make mistakes? Just because they have a typo doesn't mean they don't deserve my respect. [Heh. Double negative.]

So, as an apology, I go to their facebook pages, and I read through their old status updates and picture comments... and I see they have the same grammatical and spelling errors repeated constantly.

This is about the time I realize that it's not just a typo for them. It's actually just something they don't understand. As evidenced by the fact that their bad grammar/spelling is everywhere. The same mistakes over and over and over. Even when other people try to help them. Haha.

Oh well. They're good people. They usually have intelligent things to say, even if they aren't saying it intelligently.


Sarah said...

It bugs me when it happens in commercials and it happens a lot. Have you seen the digorno commercial? You tube it "law of pizzaplicity". They are supposed to have editors to catch these things.

Samara said...

Haha. Awesome. I think one of the ones that annoys me most is the then/than thing. I don't know what makes it so hard. Then= conveying time passage. Than= comparison.
I have a friend on facebook who posted, not two hours ago, a quote from a song, saying, "I loved you than and I love you now." NO! Incorrect.
Also, as the blog title suggests, sometimes the difference between the two is very important. "I'd rather be pissed off then pissed on," means something completely different from "I'd rather be pissed off than pissed on."