I am having such a hard time concentrating on anything today. I started writing this like an hour ago and just sat here being distracted by facebook and youtube. Not as bad as leaving something in my drafts for months, right Chaelomen? Shinobi?
So remember that one time when I said I was going to take a year off of school? Haha. I love the lies.
Metro is considering changing the requirements for a chemistry degree with a criminalistics concentration. I don't know what all they'll change, but I've heard definite word that they're going to have some different classes changed out. This doesn't actually mean too much for me, as long as I stay an active student at school. And to stay an active student at school, I just can't take more than 2 consecutive semesters off of school. If I do, then I'm considered a drop out and I have to reapply to the school to get in. Metro has an open-enrollment policy (so anyone who's over 20 just has to apply and they're accepted in), so there wouldn't be any terrible effects from me taking the full year off school.
But if I take off a full year, and they decide in that time to change the requirements of my degree, I'm now forced to abide by the new requirements. If I stay active the entire time, then I can choose whether I want to switch to the new requirements or stick with the old ones that I started out with. Which is a nice choice to have, because what if half the classes I've already taken aren't on the new list? I would really hate for all those classes to have gone to waste.
The odds of that happening are really really slim, though. If they do change the requirements before fall of 2013 (when I was originally planning on going back), it probably won't affect any of the classes I need to take for my major. It's just a guess, but I'm pretty sure gen chem, intro to criminal justice, physics, and intro to ethics will all still be required. Actually, ethics might not be. But it would be nice if they took calculus off the list, that way I wouldn't have to retake it before I graduate (the D I got in that class is good enough to let me take classes I needed it as a prereq for, but not good enough to graduate with. So as long as it's listed as one of the classes I need for my degree, I have to retake it).
My point being that I haven't taken many classes that they would randomly decide to not require for the degree, but it will still be nice to have the option to choose which set of requirements I want to use. So maybe a month ago, I decided to take sign language this upcoming spring semester. I would technically be going to school, but I actually already know a decent amount of signs, so it wouldn't be too hard or anything. It would just be a fun class to take to keep my status as active, and only taking one class would still make it kinda feel like I was taking the semester off of school.
Well a couple of days ago I was going to register, and I remembered that next fall I actually really wanted to take physical chem, and intro to criminalistics, but I can't take either until I take analytical chem. I meant to take analytical chem like a solid year and a half ago, but the classes always kept filling up before I could get them. So now that I have junior status and can register earlier than I've ever been able to before, it would be really wise to take it now. Then I can have an awesome fall semester! Plus, it's been a while since I've been in a chemistry class and I miss it.
I'm only taking those two classes (8 credits, 3 for ASL, 3 for a chem, 2 for lab), so it should still be pretty nice semester, and a good transition into school again. Hopefully I can take p chem, o chem, and intro to criminalistics in the fall. To prevent future burning-out, I think I will not ever take a summer class again. Haha. Keep that semester off.
But yes. That is the story of how I planned to take off a year and then managed to mess that up and all of the plans I had going along with my year off. Maybe I should stop trying to make long-term plans since I always seem to change my mind about them.
Also, everyone remember that there's another blog down there. vvv (those are supposed to be arrows)
I need everyone to go read it and help me!
1 comment:
So you've procrastinated taking time off until it isn't happening? Impressive.
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