Aug 31, 2011

Ni Hao!

Hello from China, everyone! :) I love it over here (except for the hot weather AND hot humidity. One or the other would be fine, but what can you do)! Hong Kong was fun, but I was only there for 2 days and I accidentally left my camera in the apartment, except when we went to the Temple, so I've got some pictures of that. Plus a couple other random pictures of signs I saw in China that I liked :)

We don't currently have the internet in our apartment (which is gorgeous, btw) but we should get it today or tomorrow. When we do, I'll post a blog about our apartment and my awesome roommates. I took pictures, but I haven't transfered them to my computer yet.

Well. That's all I have. Ni hao! :)

*NOTE* It would appear that I can't upload pictures on blogger :( I don't know why. But if you want to see pictures, email me and I'll send some to you. Or you can just wait until I get back and look at all of them then.


TheWizard said...

Good to see that you're doing well. How are you posting if you don't have internet?

Susie said...

Whew, for a moment I thought you meant you left your camera in the apartment in Hong Kong when you left, permanently. :)

Love you.


Samara said...

I was using the school's internet.
We have internet at our apartment now, though.

And no, I still have my camera on me :)