Aug 2, 2011

When I get bored.

Once during class a couple semesters ago, I was really bored. I had given a presentation in English on my paper, and now I had to sit through a ton of other presentations and so I started drawing on the backs of my note cards. Then when I was bored in other classes, I drew more pictures, (mostly) all on the backs of notecards. So now, after months, they've all been scanned onto the computer and here they are :) Enjoy.

This was the first one. I don't draw awesome dinosaurs, but I love him anyway.

Number four.

The last one I did (number nine). I think it's my favorite.

Number six. And those things were intended to be fighting over the key, but it looks more like they're just trying to get it to the lock. Either way.

Number three.

Number two.

Number five. This was actually part of a larger picture I drew during trig on regular notebook paper. But I'm not sure where that is, and I don't quite remember what the whole picture was.

Number eight. It's hard to see, but there's a whale in the background just to the right and down a touch of the boat.

Number seven.


Susie said...

They're adorable. :)

Berserk said...

The dinosaur rocks!